For assistance on your B2B, once logged in you will be able to find help documentation in the upper right-hand portion of the screen as seen in the screenshot below.
This documentation will give you a step-by-step walkthrough on all the different customer center processes. This includes: Billing, Orders, Support, Settings, & more.
When entering in a sales order on the customer center, in the add item section there is a button located directly above called “Cross Reference Search”.
Select this button if you would like to utilize our Cross-Reference program. You can search through our listing of hundreds of thousands of cross reference codes to find the exact part you are looking for.
Check the box next to the part you want to order and enter in your quantity on the far-right side of the screen and click submit.
Your order confirmation, as well as your invoice, will include the part you have chosen as well as the D&D part that it crossed over to.
Within the customer center you can view all types of your transactions for your company. You can view all your orders, estimates, as well as print out your company statements and invoices. There is also a tracking report that allows you to search multiple shipments at once and view the transaction’s information directly without having to drill into each individual order.